Listing and Phone Number
American Red Cross (304) 340-3650
Autism Service Center (304) 525-8014
Autism Training Center 800-344-5115
Big Brothers/Big Sisters (304) 746-7900
Central Child Care Food Program (304) 382-0797
Children With Special Healthcare Needs/Handicap Services (304) 558-5388
Connect Child Care Resource & Referral (304) 595-6401 or 888-595-8290
Covenant House Drop In Center (304) 344-8433
Dunbar-Institute Samaritan Center (304) 768-3828
EnAct (304) 949-6077
Family Services of Kanawha Valley (304) 340-3676
Heart & Hand House/South Charleston Community Civic Council (304) 744-6741
Jericho House (St. Albans area) (304) 727-0179
Joseph's Tree House (304) 744-3108
Kanawha Charleston Health Department (304) 348-8069 or (304) 348-8080
Kanawha County Head Start (304) 348-7706
Kanawha County DHHR (304) 746-2360
Manna Meal (304) 345-7121
Mountain Mission (304) 344-3407
Mountaineer Habitat for Humanity (304) 746-0141
Nitro-St. Albans Community/Emergency Services/St. Albans Care & Share (304) 755-2280
Right From the Start (304) 558-5388 or 800-642-8522
Resolve Family Abuse Program (304) 340-3549
Salvation Army (304) 343-4548
Sojourner's Homeless Shelter (304) 340-3562 or (304) 340-3597
Tyler Mountain/Cross Lanes Community Services (304) 776-5813
Union Mission (304) 925-0366 or (304) 343-4352
US Housing & Urban Development (304) 347-7000
WIC (304) 746-7880 or 800-953-4002
WV Birth To Three 866-402-2094
WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement (304) 347-8688 or (304) 558-3780
YMCA Scholarship Program (304) 340-3527